Our Process


01Meeting with Client

Interacting with a client and getting all the possible requirements needed for the website.


02Requirement Gathering

Understanding THE CLIENTS Requirements, Business Goals, Purpose Needs To Be Served, Who Is The Targert Audience And Kind Of Content Needs To Be On The Website


03Planning Process

Putting a plan together based on the requirements gathered and finalizing it. Creating a sitemap for the pages to help making a web flow navigation, understanding the available resources and deciding on what technologies will be used to create the product.


04Homepage Confirmation

We will give one homepage design for the client to approve. Once Received the homepage design confirmation mail from client and then we will start the development process.


05Designing Process

We will start the designing & development process


06Development Update

Every 2 - 3 days we will send the update via our demo server.



Check the complete functionality of all the links, page navigations, Form submissions and all functionalities implemented work in accordance to the requirements finalized. Make sure no functionalities are missed out. Perform cross-browser testing to ensure it works correctly in all browers.



After testing and development is Done, Transferring files to live server and do a last minute run through and ensure its correctness and your website is live for your audience to view!



Website maintenance is the process of keeping the website error-free and up to date. You could also look at it as the process of checking sites to keep them updated, customer-friendly, and protected from harm. It can be updating content, adding images, adding links, updating software, and so much more